Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Chanel Paris Bombay Collection

Chanel Paris Bombay Collection
Karl Lagerfeld ventures a fashionable journey. Moscow, Shanghai, Byzantium (and now Mumbai) are the designer’s sources of inspiration for the Chanel pre-collections. As we have already reported, this time he offered to make a 10-minute trip from Paris to Bombay.
During the show in the Grand Palais, the models were walking along the dining tables accompanied by the song Instant Karma by John Lennon. Lagerfeld was inspired by India, and the scenery for the show was created under the famous slogan of the Roman rulers “Bread and circuses”. However, the guests failed to have dinner during the show. The couturier ordered to have the tables served, but most of the dishes were placed in the center of the catwalk.
Chanel autimn pre-collection by Karl Lagerfeld
And as an aperitif, Lagerfeld offered 79 models from the new autumn pre-collection by Chanel. The designer has used enough Eastern “spices”, such as brilliant tika (a jewelry suspension in the hair), nat (nose ring), and Haar (massive necklaces). The Indian wardrobe by Chanel includes a knit tunic and short pants, plain saris, shoes, richly embroidered with gold sequins. And, according to the tradition, there were tweed suits.
Chanel from Paris to Bombay collection
By the way, the banquet still took place. As soon as the last model had disappeared behind the scenes, waiters appeared in the hall, treating the guests with French champagne, herbal teas, almond Macaroni cakes and exotic fruits. Thus, Lagerfeld managed to reconcile the French chic with the Oriental style even in the menu.
Karl Lagerfeld show Chanel
Chanel collection Indian style

Chanel Bombay collection
Karl Lagerfeld for Chanel
Indian style in Chanel collection
Oriental elements in Karl Lagerfeld collection
Chanel autumn pre-collection Paris-Bombay
Chanel show by Karl Lagerfeld
Karl Lagerfeld at the show Paris Bombay

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